How to find the best stocks for day trading

Published: 29. February 2024

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, day trading stands out as a strategy driven by precision, discipline, and a keen understanding of market dynamics. At the heart of this approach lies the quest to identify the best stocks that offer significant profit potential within a short time frame. Finding the right stocks for day trading is more than just a matter of luck; it requires a meticulous analysis of market trends, volatility, and liquidity.

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In this article, we delve into the art and science of selecting prime candidates for day trading. We will explore the critical factors that make a stock suitable for this high-stakes trading style, including volatility patterns, trading volume, and news sensitivity. Additionally, we’ll provide insights into the tools and techniques used by seasoned traders to scan the market, analyze potential trades, and make informed decisions swiftly. Whether you are a novice trader aiming to navigate the complexities of the stock market, or an experienced trader looking to refine your strategies, this guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and capitalize on the best day trading opportunities.

Picking stocks to trade can be difficult. In this article, we present some tips to help you choose the right stocks.

What to consider when picking a stock


Stocks with high liquidity typically boast substantial trading volumes, enabling the buying and selling of larger share quantities without causing drastic price fluctuations. This aspect is crucial for intraday trading strategies that hinge on rapid execution and meticulous timing. The ample volume enhances the ease of swiftly entering and exiting positions.

Additionally, depth is a vital consideration as it provides a snapshot of the stock’s liquidity across various price levels, both above and below the current market bid and offer. This insight into the available liquidity at different price points helps traders understand how their trades might impact the market and at what price levels they can execute large orders.

Medium to High Volatility

Day traders rely on price fluctuations to generate profits, making it essential to select stocks that exhibit significant movement. This movement can be assessed in two primary ways: through the dollar magnitude of the price changes or through the percentage variation in price. Utilizing these two metrics as filters can yield different sets of results, offering traders a choice between stocks that move substantially in absolute dollar terms or those that experience high relative percentage changes.

Keep in mind that periods of heightened volatility can present opportunities to generate profits above the norm. However, they also carry an increased risk of substantial capital loss over a shorter timeframe. It’s crucial to approach these situations with a heightened sense of caution and a robust risk management strategy.

Group Followers

Many traders prefer to select stocks that move in harmony with their respective sectors and index groups, rather than adopting contrarian strategies. This alignment typically indicates that when there’s an uptick in the sector or index, the price of the individual stock tends to rise correspondingly. Aligning with the strongest or weakest stocks daily becomes crucial for traders prioritizing this approach.

Conversely, for those who choose to trade the same stock consistently, the focus narrows exclusively to the dynamics of that particular stock. In such cases, the stock’s correlation with the broader market or its sector becomes less relevant, allowing the trader to concentrate solely on understanding and capitalizing on the unique patterns and movements of their chosen stock.

Stick to your strategy

Adhering to a predefined trading strategy is crucial when selecting stocks to trade, as it instills discipline and consistency in an environment often ruled by volatility and emotion. A well-thought-out strategy provides a framework for making informed decisions, grounded in analysis and predefined criteria, rather than impulsive reactions to market fluctuations. It helps traders to maintain focus on their long-term trading goals, manage risk effectively, and avoid the pitfalls of overtrading or chasing losses. By sticking to a strategy, traders can objectively evaluate stocks based on their potential to meet specific investment objectives, rather than being swayed by market noise or temporary trends.

Moreover, consistency in applying a strategy allows for a better assessment of its effectiveness over time, enabling traders to refine their approach based on actual performance data. In the unpredictable world of stock trading, where control over outcomes is limited, maintaining control over the decision-making process by adhering to a strategy is a vital component of sustained success.

Deploy technical analysis

Technical analysis plays a pivotal role in selecting stocks for day trading, offering traders a powerful toolkit for navigating the market’s inherent uncertainty. By analyzing historical price movements and volume data, technical analysis helps traders identify patterns and trends that can forecast future price activity. This method is especially valuable in day trading, where decisions need to be made quickly and with precision. It enables traders to pinpoint optimal entry and exit points, assess market sentiment, and gauge the strength or weakness of a stock’s movement.

Technical indicators such as moving averages, RSI (Relative Strength Index), and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) are instrumental in making informed predictions about short-term price fluctuations. In essence, technical analysis provides a structured approach to trading, reducing reliance on guesswork and enhancing the trader’s ability to make profitable trades by leveraging statistical evidence and chart patterns. If you want to read more about different indicators and strategies, make sure to check out our page.

Entry and Exit Strategies

Selecting an exceptional stock is just the beginning; turning that choice into profit hinges on adhering to specific trading strategies. The realm of intraday trading is rich with various tactics, but the key to success lies in steadfastly following a set of proven principles. By focusing on particular signals specific to intraday trading, you enhance your chances of achieving successful outcomes. The disciplined observation and application of these signals and strategies often distinguish profitable day trading endeavors from mere speculative attempts.

Trade Only on the Current Intraday Trend

The market’s intrinsic nature is to ebb and flow in waves, and the astuteness of a trader lies in their ability to navigate these oscillations. In periods of an uptrend, the strategy should revolve around taking long positions, and capitalizing on the rising wave. Conversely, during downtrends, the focus should shift to taking short positions, leveraging the downward momentum. While intraday trends are transient, astute traders can execute one or two, and occasionally more, trades before the trend reverses. As soon as there’s a clear shift in the dominant trend, it’s time to align your trading strategy with the new direction.

Identifying the trend, however, can be the challenging part. This is where trendlines come into play, offering a straightforward and effective strategy for both entry points and establishing stop-loss orders. By delineating the market’s direction, trendlines help traders make informed decisions, aligning their moves with the market’s prevailing momentum.

Trade Strong Stocks in an Uptrend, Weak Stocks in a Downtrend

For optimal intraday trading, most traders benefit from focusing on stocks or ETFs that maintain a moderate to high correlation with major indexes like the S&P 500 or Nasdaq. The strategy involves identifying stocks that display relative strength or weakness compared to the index, setting the stage for potential day trading opportunities. For instance, a stock that surges 2% when the index climbs 1% presents a more lucrative scenario due to its heightened movement.

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In an uptrend, traders should target stocks outperforming the market futures, as these stocks tend to amplify market gains and offer increased profit potential. Conversely, during a downtrend, short-selling stocks that fall more sharply than the market can be profitable. In this scenario, strong stocks will typically retract less during a pullback, or may not retract at all, solidifying their position as prime candidates for trading in an uptrend due to their market-leading tendencies.

It’s worth noting that the relative strength or weakness of stocks and ETFs compared to the market can fluctuate daily. However, certain sectors may consistently exhibit strength or weakness over extended periods. By keeping a pulse on these dynamics, traders can fine-tune their strategy, capitalizing on the stocks poised to offer greater profit potential, whether the market is trending upwards or downwards.

Be Patient and Wait for the Pullback

Trendlines serve as a visual marker, offering an estimated guide for the inception and culmination of price waves. Hence, when choosing stocks for intraday trading, traders can leverage a trendline to strategically enter early into the forthcoming price wave, aligning with the overall trend direction.

For initiating a long position, the strategy involves buying when the price retreats toward the trendline before resuming its upward trajectory. Constructing an upward trendline necessitates identifying a low price point followed by a higher low. These two points are connected to form the trendline, which is then extended rightward. This method cultivates patience, presenting two low-risk trade opportunities. The entry is timed to be near the stop-loss level, positioned slightly below the trendline or the most recent low price made just before the entry. It’s acknowledged that trends are not perpetual, and some trades will be unprofitable. However, the primary objective is to ensure that the overall trading activity is profitable, despite the occasional losses. This approach underscores the importance of patience and strategic entry points, aligning closely with the discipline required for successful intraday trading.

Take regular profits

Day traders operate within a tight timeframe to secure profits, necessitating a swift exit from trades that incur losses or move contrary to expectations. To effectively manage trades and lock in gains while trading with trends, two straightforward guidelines can be particularly useful:

  1. In an Uptrend or Long Position: Aim to realize profits at, or just above, the peak price level from the preceding high within the ongoing trend. This strategy capitalizes on the momentum of the uptrend, allowing traders to secure gains before any potential trend reversal or pullback.
  2. In a Downtrend or Short Position: Target taking profits at, or slightly below, the previous low in the current trend. This approach ensures that profits are captured from the downward momentum before the stock potentially bottoms out or rebounds, safeguarding gains from the short position.

These guidelines help traders to strategically position their exit points, aligning profit-taking with the natural ebb and flow of price movements within the prevailing trend. By adhering to these principles, day traders can effectively maximize their profitability while minimizing exposure to losing trades.

How Do Day Traders Determine the Liquidity of a Stock?

Day traders determine the liquidity of a stock through several key indicators that reflect how easily and quickly a stock can be bought or sold in the market without causing significant price movement. These indicators include:

  1. Trading Volume: This is the primary indicator of liquidity, representing the total number of shares that have been traded during a given time period. High trading volume indicates high liquidity, meaning there are plenty of buyers and sellers, facilitating easier entry and exit points for trades.
  2. Bid-Ask Spread: The spread is the difference between the highest price a buyer is willing to pay (bid) and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept (ask). A narrow bid-ask spread typically signifies high liquidity, as the small difference indicates that transactions can occur easily and at prices close to the market rate.
  3. Market Depth: This refers to the volume of buy and sell orders lined up at different price levels beyond the current bid and ask. High market depth means the stock can absorb larger orders without a significant impact on its price, showcasing strong liquidity.
  4. Time of Day: Liquidity can also vary depending on the time of day, with higher liquidity often seen during the market’s opening and closing hours due to increased trading activity.
  5. Historical Data: Analyzing the historical trading volume and bid-ask spread over time can provide insights into the stock’s typical liquidity patterns, helping traders anticipate liquidity at different times or under different market conditions.

By assessing these factors, day traders can gauge a stock’s liquidity, which is crucial for implementing strategies that require quick execution at predictable prices. High liquidity in a stock ensures that day traders can enter and exit positions swiftly, minimizing the risk of slippage and enhancing the potential for profit.

How Do Day Traders Determine the Volatility of a Stock?

Day traders assess the volatility of a stock using several analytical methods and tools to gauge how dramatically a stock’s price might change within a short period. Volatility is a key factor for day traders, as it creates opportunities for profit from price movements. Here’s how they determine it:

  1. Historical Volatility: This involves analyzing past price movements of the stock over a specific period to understand how its price has fluctuated. Traders use statistical measures, such as standard deviation, to quantify historical volatility and predict future price movements.
  2. Average True Range (ATR): The ATR indicator measures the degree of price volatility by calculating the average range between the high and low prices of a stock over a given number of days. A higher ATR indicates higher volatility, providing insights into potential price movement ranges.
  3. Beta: Beta measures a stock’s volatility relative to the overall market. A beta greater than 1 indicates that the stock is more volatile than the market, while a beta less than 1 suggests it is less volatile. Day traders use beta to assess how a stock might react to market movements.
  4. Implied Volatility (IV): Particularly relevant for options traders, IV is derived from the options market and reflects the market’s expectation of a stock’s future volatility. A higher IV suggests that traders expect larger price swings in the stock.
  5. Price Charts and Technical Indicators: By examining price charts, traders can visually identify volatile periods. Technical indicators like Bollinger Bands, which measure price volatility by creating bands around the price movement, can also signal volatility levels. When the bands widen, it indicates increased volatility, and when they narrow, it suggests decreased volatility.
  6. News and Events: Traders closely monitor news and events that could affect a stock’s price, such as earnings announcements, product launches, or regulatory changes. Such events can lead to sudden increases in volatility, creating trading opportunities.

By evaluating these factors, day traders can identify stocks with the desired level of volatility to match their trading strategies, risk tolerance, and profit goals. Volatile stocks offer the potential for significant gains within short time frames but also come with increased risk, making it crucial for traders to use effective risk management strategies.

Bottom Line

Selecting the right stocks for day trading is an art honed by knowledge, experience, and strategic insight. It requires a delicate balance between understanding market dynamics and mastering the technical aspects of trading. By focusing on liquidity, volatility, trading volume, and employing a robust set of analytical tools and indicators, traders can navigate the complexities of the market with greater confidence.

However, it’s essential to remember that even with the most meticulous planning and analysis, the inherent risk of day trading cannot be entirely eliminated. Success in this arena demands discipline, a well-thought-out trading plan, and an unwavering commitment to risk management. As traders refine their strategies and gain experience, the process of selecting stocks becomes more intuitive, paving the way for potentially profitable trading opportunities. Ultimately, the ability to adapt to changing market conditions while adhering to a disciplined trading approach is what differentiates successful day traders from the rest. Keep learning, stay disciplined, and the path to day trading success will become clearer with each trade.